Tuesday, February 10, 2009

BullsEye Johnny's Podcast Tips

From the blog of Devon Inspiration Ltd.

Top 3 tips on podcasting, from John Rarrick of Bullseye Public Relations

1) If you are producing a podcast for client or third party, take the time to first learn on your own dime, NOT the client’s. When we noticed that podcasts were going to be something that more people were going to want us to do, my partner and I started producing a show that we’d record on Saturday mornings when the phones weren’t ringing. At first, it was a production train-wreck. But over a few months, we blundered our way to first “acceptable”, and finally, “good” status. That show, by the way, which we didn’t even really mean for anyone to really hear, now has over 18,000 subscribers and a sponsor. Go figure.

2) realistic expectations for revenue. Some new podcasters think they should, in a just a few short weeks, be able to quit their day job and join the podcasting elite. Think again. This is still a new medium. Advertisers are still being made aware of what a podcast is. In these tough economic times, podcasters should present their shows as “low-cost options” to advertisers. Our rates for episode sponsors are rarely over $200.

3) Content is King. A boring show with great production value is not a recipe for success. We meet a lot of producers who are so obsessed with audio quality that they forget what the show was supposed to be about. Good content, as with any show (TV/Radio/Web) starts with good research and show prep. If you are interviewing an author and haven’t read the book, your listeners will know that in a second. Since most podcasts cater to a niche audience, staying informed on the subject matter is the key to getting new subscribers and keeping the ones you have.


  1. Thanks for posting this. I really think it's important not to "learn" on the client's dime - for podcasting or anything else!

  2. Right on Devon. And we had a LOT of fun learning, which is something I neglected to say. Really enjoy your blog. Keep up the great work.
