Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beach Tennis USA Pro Tip of the Week--Heinz Haas

From the nationally televised 2008 BTUSA Tour, here's beach tennis pro Heinz Haas showing off his "Thunda Serve".

Subscribe to the BTUSA Video Podcast in iTunes. CLICK HERE. IT'S FREE!

Got a Dog? Use a Holistic Veterinarian. Check Out This Episode of Holistic Health and Wellness Podcast

If you've got a dog or cat or ferret or possum and you actually care about it, you need to check out this episode of Holistic Health and Wellness podcast. Featuring interviews with Drs. Kim Bloomer and Jeannie Thomason (VNDs), you'll hear all about their holistic approach to caring for our pets, as well as environmental effects.

Click Here To Subscribe in iTunes. ITS' FREE

Click Here to Listen on Your Desktop Because You Are Too Cheap To Buy an iPod.

It's all brought to you by the good folks at

Monday, October 27, 2008

INPO Listeners Voice Their Disdain For Chuck's Refusal To Vote

For months, John has been telling Chuck that every vote counts. Did he listen?

Author James Connor Selects BullsEye Public Relations

James Connor, author of The Perfection of Marketing (Diamond Cutter Press), has retained New York City-based BullsEye Public Relations as the agency of record (AOR) to promote the new book through an aggressive media relations campaign, public speaking schedule, and audio podcast, which will give listeners an opportunity to sample the book’s first four chapters free of charge.

With The Perfection of Marketing, Connor has crafted an extremely efficient process based on what he calls “The Sales Moment” to create a method anyone can implement for spectacular marketing results. Culminating from 12 years of work, Connor reveals the detailed playbook run by his company, The James Group, a branding and full-service advertising agency in New York City.

BullsEye Co-founder and President John Rarrick said the agency will also implement an audio and video viral campaign to drive traffic to the newly- launched site, There, for a limited time before the retail launch, executives can purchase three books for the price of one in an exclusive Management Team Package of The Perfection of Marketing. The book will be available at all major book retailers, including Barnes and Nobel and, in January 2009.

About James Connor
James Connor is the CEO and founder of The James Group, a brand strategy and full-service advertising agency in New York City, serving midsize business clients nationally. For 12 years, James honed The Perfection of Marketing process and oversaw the creation of over 70 brands, including category leaders GarageTek, Thinkfun, TransparentValue, and WQIS. He is well regarded as a speaker on brand marketing. To learn more about James Connor, visit

About BullsEye Public Relations
New York-based BullsEye Public Relations specializes in securing high profile media placement and developing brand campaigns for the entertainment, sports, food and beverage, and consumer products industries. To learn more, visit

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Video Snack--"The Bill of Rights", Max Rarrick and Blowin Chunks

As we near election day, let's all take a quick look at the document these clowns are supposed to be governed by. Max Rarrick, sax player for The Horse You Rode in On, breaks it down for us.

Friday, October 24, 2008

In No Particular Order, Episode 36- "The Halloween Show"

A podcast by two guys who are absolute authorities on absolutely nothing wax poetic about random topics pulled from Chuck's hat. Occasional guest rants and Podsafe music.

This episode is brought to you by GoToMeeting. Try GotoMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit

In No Particular Order, Episode 36- “The Halloween Show”- our spooky All Hallow’s Eve preview featuring Jim Lorenzo of Blood Manor, New York City’s premier haunted house experience. Green wheels like the new Vespa, Enertia, and SmartCar. Does size matter? Apparently yes, because we get tons of “weener spam”. Best fast food burger—what’s your favorite? Tons of essays are rolling in for our “Land of the Lost Essay Contest”. Send us your favorite LOL memory. Winner will receive a bountiful BulllsEye PR gift pack.

Here are your links:

This week’s music:
Ghosts on the Radio—“Halloween Girl”
The Coffin Shakers—“Halloween”
10 Shot—“Skeletons”
Music courtesy of The Podsafe Music Network.
Support independent music or rot in a fiery abyss.

Email us at
Follow John on Twitter at
Send us your audio rant. If it doesn’t suck, we’ll use it in the show.
Here's our blog-
Learn about what we do for a living at

Friday, October 17, 2008

In No Particular Order, Episode 35- "The Land Of The Lost Listener Essay Contest"

A podcast by two guys who are absolute authorities on absolutely nothing wax poetic about random topics pulled from Chuck's hat. Occasional guest rants and Podsafe music.

This episode is brought to you by GoToMeeting. Try GotoMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit

In No Particular Order, Episode 35- “The Land of the Lost Listener Essay Contest”—Send us your favorite memory of Land of the Lost in 50 words or less. We’ll read the best one on the air and give the winner a Bullseye PR gift pack. The gift pack consists of great items form our clients at The Original SoupMan, Beach Tennis USA, Lisa Bouchelle, The Lost Patrol, Frida Kahlo Natural Skin Care, and other great stuff (that we find lying around). The Red Sox make a miraculous late, late, late night comeback in game 5 of the ALCS. A new season of LOST begins in February. Two weeks to the election and we are all doomed. Which rodeo clown will you vote for?

Here are your links:

This week’s music:
Don Shelden- “Brazil”
Elyse Buckley- “Shantelele”
Buckra- “Bubble Gum Bandit”
Support independent music or rot in a fiery abyss.

Email us at
Follow John on Twitter at
Send us your audio rant. If it doesn’t suck, we’ll use it in the show.
Here's our blog-
Learn about what we do for a living at

The Holistic Option: MySpace meets WebMD for the holistically-minded

Posted by Colette Cope October 17, 2008 09:44AM

I recently learned about a great new resource on the Web called The Holistic Option. This site is like WebMD but covers holistic, alternative and integrative medicine.

An abundance of free information is available on this site. You can start by learning more about alternative treatments that you may be curious about like acupuncture, aromatherapy, biofeedback and more. The content is provided in collaboration with professional associations, licensed practitioners and experts in the field of holistic medicine.

You can also search for natural remedies for medical conditions. Simply select the condition you are interested in, and you will be given a list of natural herbal and nutritional supplements suggestions, as well as preventative tips.

It's been my experience, especially in the midstate, that holistic practitioner are hard to find. So the "find a practitioner" tool is very useful. Simply choose the modality that you want and enter your location. Every practitioner listed on the site must submit an application that is screened by the site's advisory board.

If you are actually hoping to become practitioner yourself, there is also a directory where you can find schools near you.

My favorite parts of the site, though, are the podcast and featured articles, videos and blogs. There is a wealth of information here ranging from pumpkin seeds' nutritional value to hormones in our milk to whether or not you should give your child a flu shot.

If you like the sense of community on social networking sites, you can also become a member for free, create a profile and discuss holistic remedies on the forums. You also have the opportunity to write about your personal experience with any of the natural remedies that are recommended.

The site currently has 50 practitioners in their director, recognition from 18 professional associations, new advisory board members being added each month and 65+ new subscribers to the podcast daily. They've accomplished all of this since their launch in April 2008. Clearly it's a growing community that I look forward to being a part of.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mid Week Video Snack-Beach Tennis USA Video Podcast, "The Rules of Beach Tennis"

Here are the rules of beach tennis. To learn more click here.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

In No Particular Order, Episode 34- "Children as Food"

A podcast by two guys who are absolute authorities on absolutely nothing wax poetic about random topics pulled from Chuck's hat. Occasional guest rants and Podsafe music.

This episode is brought to you by GoToMeeting. Try GotoMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit

In No Particular Order, Episode 34- “Children as Food”—Chuck and John discuss how the NFL fits into their lives. Grilling in the off-season rules, and Chuck has one badass grill. Chuck has a man-crush on Steve Earle. Comedy shows are good. Children—yes, yes, and two. John reminisces about The Land of the Lost with savant-like detail. Jim DeMaria, host of The Nurses Station podcast, chimes in on the treatment of Jai-Alai injuries. John tried to drown his father-in-law. Chuck heard a good GoToMeeting tip on Grammar Girl and TWIT.

Here are your links:

This week’s music:
King Kandy- “Stokey’s Lament”
Tom Smith- “Giant Monster”
The New Mastersounds-“102 Percent”
Music Courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network

Email us at
Follow John on Twitter at
Send us your audio rant. If it doesn’t suck, we’ll use it in the show.
Here's our blog-
Learn about what we do for a living at

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Bailout Made Easy

Once upon a time a man appeared in a village and announced to the
villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each.

The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out
to the forest and started catching them.

The man bought thousands at $10 and, as supply started to diminish,
the villagers stopped their effort. He next announced that he would
now buy monkeys at $20 each. This renewed the efforts of the villagers
and they started catching monkeys again.

Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back
to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each and the supply of
monkeys became so scarce it was an effort to even find a monkey, let
alone catch it!

The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50 each! However,
since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would
buy on his behalf.
In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: "Look at
all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has already collected.
I will sell them to you at $35 an d when the man returns from the city,
you can sell them to him for $50 each."

The villagers rounded up all their savings and bought all the monkeys
for 700 billion dollars.

They never saw the man or his assistant again, only lots and lots of

Now you have a better understanding of how the WALL STREET BAILOUT

Monday, October 6, 2008

BullsEye PR Launches New Beach Tennis USA Video Podcast

We've launched a new BTUSA Video Podcast, now available in iTunes. If you missed the nationally televised 2008 tour events, you can now see highlights, player interviews, and the "Pro Tip of the Week" right on your iPod, iPhone, or video MP3 player.

CLICK HERE to subscribe at the iTunes Store


CLICK HERE to watch it on your desktop because you are too lazy to subscribe in iTunes. judgement.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

In No Particular Order, Episode 33- "Chuck Knows Stuff"

A podcast by two guys who are absolute authorities on absolutely nothing wax poetic about random topics pulled from Chuck's hat. Occasional guest rants and Podsafe music.

This episode is brought to you by GoToMeeting. Try GotoMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit

In No Particular Order, Episode 33—“Chuck Knows Stuff” Sarah Palin…after the glasses there isn’t much. Chuck and John got new 3G iPhones and they totally kick ass. John’s grease car is still running like a top. Chuck knows some stuff that John doesn’t. More depressing talk about our economy. John got thrown out of a puppy farm.

Here are your links:

This week’s music:
Kablamachunk!—“Sensible Shoes”
Gin Gypsy—“Pick Me Up”
880 South—“Down in the Rubble”
Music Courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network

Email us at
Follow John on Twitter at
Send us your audio rant. If it doesn’t suck, we’ll use it in the show.
Here's our blog-
Learn about what we do for a living at

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

BullsEye Johnny Guest Hosts The Nurses Station Podcast

Janis Breen is on assignment so John got to sit in with host Jim DeMaria on Episode 3 of The Nurses Station. If you know any nurses, forward them the link to this show. They cover some great topics and Jim is a little twisted, so you definitely don't get any sugar-coated "nurse news" from this show. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE NURSES STATION PODCAST. or CLICK HERE TO VISIT THEIR BLOG/SHOW-NOTES.

Mid Week Video Snack-Beach Tennis USA's Team Rhino Throws Out First Pitch at Marlins Game

Here's one we love--pro beach tennis players Brett Johnson and Mike Edison throwing out the first pitch at a Florida Marlins game the week of the Beach Tennis USA Sunshine State Slam. Music courtesy of Miggs! Video directed by BullsEye Chuck DeBruyn.