Friday, November 14, 2008

In No Particular Order, Episode 39--"Chuck's Cheery Outlook"

A podcast by two guys who are absolute authorities on absolutely nothing wax poetic about random topics pulled from Chuck's hat. Occasional guest rants and Podsafe music.

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In No Particular Order, Episode 39—“Chuck’s Cheery Outlook”. Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the whiskey bottle this week! The Tappan Zee Bridge sucks. American Express sucks. Health insurance companies suck. Axl Rose sucks. George Bush sucks. What doesn't suck?

Here’s what doesn’t suck—World Diabetes Day, King Corn the documentary, Holistic Health and Wellness the podcast, Demark and great Danish people, Woking, the New York Jets, Supersuckers, Land of the Lost and the nice folks at The Original SoupMan in Windsor, Ontario.

Here are your links:

This week’s music:
Supersuckers—“End of an Era”
Brad Sucks—“Never Get Out”
Bad Brains—“Give Thanks and Praise”
Support independent music if you want to go to Heaven.

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Send us your audio rant. If it doesn’t suck, we’ll use it in the show.
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  1. Just saw your post about the video

    Please have a look at

    where we have started a discussion

  2. Nice Blog!!! Fairly written, Chuck is in my opinion, beyond any doubt, the funniest and the overall most entertaining American TV series on the air in 2008.The characters are intensely likable (even Morgan), and the story lines are consistently well-written.Catch all eps Download Chuck here..

  3. I think more Chuck-centered conversation is in order. He really is a dark and dangerous, brooding type of tortured artist.
