Monday, July 7, 2008

In No Particular Order, Episode 21- Michelle Yu Blew Us Off On Our Nation's 232nd Birthday

Two guys who are absolute authorities on absolutely nothing wax poetic about random topics pulled from Chuck's hat. Occasional guest rants and Podsafe music.

In No Particular Order, Episode 21 “Michelle Yu Blew us Off on our Nation’s 232nd Birthday”- We were supposed to be joined in-studio by special guest Michelle Yu, NY1 Sports Reporter and Beach Tennis USA TV co-host. Whatever…we played an interview with her anyway. We discussed the bad music that Chuck is currently listening to. Pray with us that he gets over this Styx phase. A pregnant guy is not actually a “guy”, but who’s really keeping track? Another guy has a tumor that is actually his twin. Our three favorite concerts discussed, and our three least favorite. Fireworks—John likes them and Chuck is a Communist.

Here are your links:

This week’s show featured music by:
Aaron Wolfson “The Love Within”
Hammerlock “Never Slow Down”
Wiser Time “Hammer Down”

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Send us your audio rant. If it doesn’t suck, we’ll use it in the show.
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  1. Just for the record, I happen to know that Michelle did not blow you off, she was just a'sceered to play you kids in Tennis!


  2. Been listening for a few weeks. Love the show! I hope this keeps going. So many good podcasts just stop and it sux!
