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WARNING: This show has nothing to do with public relations for food, beverage, sports, entertainment or consumer products, or the business affairs of BullsEye Public Relations. If you are searching for podcasts that address the daily trials and tribulations of the communications industry, you should look elsewhere. And if you don't think midgets are funny, you should definitely NOT listen to this show.
In No Particular Order, Episode 80, "Eartha Kitt and Mark Fidrych Map Cancer's DNA at the New Year's Eve Ball”
Final show of the year. Stuff we intend to do in 2010, dead celebrities of 2009, Chuck gets a Snuggie, and oh yeah...they might have found a cure for cancer but nobody heard about it because of Tiger's nightstick. Thanks to all our listeners. You guys are OK.
This week we feature music by:
Emily Jones- "Jolly Ol St. Nick"
Poly Morphines- "Goodbye Kiss"
Asatron- "Black Tears"
Sore- "Funk in the Hole"
Music Courtesy of The Podsafe Music Network
Support indie music or you won't go to heaven!
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
In No Particular Order, Episode 80, Eartha Kitt and Mark Fidrych Map Cancer's DNA at the New Year's Eve Ball
Monday, December 21, 2009
In No Particular Order, Episode 79, The Chartreuse Holiday Special
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This episode is brought to you by GoToMeeting. Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit
WARNING: This show has nothing to do with public relations for food, beverage, sports, entertainment or consumer products, or the business affairs of BullsEye Public Relations. If you are searching for podcasts that address the daily trials and tribulations of the communications industry, you should look elsewhere.
In No Particular Order, Episode 79, "The Chartreuse Holiday Special”
Our last show before Christmas. Brittany Murphy is dead. Booze you wouldn't drink even if it was the last thing in the house. What makes a hot woman not hot. We'll be back next week with a recap of 2009. Now put the iPod down and go spend some time with your families for God's sake!
This week we feature music by:
Amy Speace- "Dirty Little Secret"
Clayton- "Two Days Out of Seven"
Anonymous American- "Motown Radio"
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Thursday, December 17, 2009
In No Particular Order, Episode 78, Tiger Woods at the INPO Holiday Party
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This episode is brought to you by GoToMeeting. Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit
WARNING: This show has nothing to do with public relations for food, beverage, sports, entertainment or consumer products, or the business affairs of BullsEye Public Relations. If you are searching for podcasts that address the daily trials and tribulations of the communications industry, you should look elsewhere.
Happy Holidays to all our loyal listeners. This week we discuss holiday office gatherings and ponder whether a famous golfer having extramarital affairs should be considered "news". We also welcome Q.bel and MIGGS to the BullsEye PR family.
This week we feature music by:
BITUNE- "Still"
Cant Hang- 'Wait a Minute'
Chris Daniels and the Kings- "Jump"
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Saturday, December 12, 2009
In No Particular Order, Episode 77, Jason Paris on Asian Pleasure Baskets and the Flavored Tobacco Scandal
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A podcast by two guys who are absolute authorities on absolutely nothing wax poetic about random topics pulled from Chuck's hat. Occasional guest rants and Podsafe music.
This episode is brought to you by GoToMeeting. Online meetings made easy. Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit
WARNING: This show has nothing to do with public relations for food, beverage, sports, entertainment or consumer packages goods, or the business affairs of BullsEye Public Relations. If you are searching for podcasts that address the daily trials and tribulations of the communications industry, you should look elsewhere.
In No Particular Order, Episode 77, “Jason Paris on Asian Pleasure Baskets and the Flavored Tobacco Scandal”
Chuck is still not operating at full wattage. Friend of the show and filmmaker Jason Paris sits in with John. Flavored smokes, holiday traditions, and women are amongst today's topics.
This week we feature music by:
Knackers Yard-"Well, You Know This Time"
Don Shelden-"Fly Me To The Moon"
Happy Boy- "Jesus on the Couch"
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Monday, December 7, 2009
In No Particular Order, Episode 76, "Revenge of the Swine"
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A podcast by two guys who are absolute authorities on absolutely nothing wax poetic about random topics pulled from Chuck's hat. Occasional guest rants and Podsafe music.
This episode is brought to you by GoToMeeting. Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit
WARNING: This show has nothing to do with public relations for food, beverage, sports, entertainment or consumer products, or the business affairs of BullsEye Public Relations. If you are searching for podcasts that address the daily trials and tribulations of the communications industry, you should look elsewhere. Do not listen to this show while driving or operating heavy machinery. If case of accidental overdose, seek immediate medical attention.
In No Particular Order, Episode 76, “Revenge of the Swine”
The pig exacts its revenge on Chuck. Anybody find any weapons of mass destruction this week?
This week we feature music by:
The Slippery Chickens- "Chubalina"
Hugh Pool-"Let's Grow Old"
Little Walter- "Tell Me Mama"
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